Burn 250+ Calories with These Fun Mini Trampoline Exercises for Weight Loss

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Mini trampoline exercises, also known as rebounding, are a great way to stay active! They include jumping, bouncing, and even dancing — all sorts of movements you used to do as a kid. Besides getting your heart rate up and helping you shed those extra pounds, a mini trampoline workout also gets your body moving.

Workout Mini Trampoline

One of the best things about mini trampoline exercises is that they are low-impact, meaning they're easy on your joints. You can jump and bounce to your heart's content without worrying about putting too much stress on your knees or ankles. And it's not just your legs that will get a workout – your core will also get a good deal of healthy crunches! The surface of a rebounder provides a slight instability that forces your core muscles to work harder, helping you work those abs.

Another great thing about rebounding is that it's not only good for your body but also your overall well-being. Studies give promising results that suggest it can help you improve your lymphatic circulation and even reduce cardiovascular risk in patients with Diabetes 2. A recent publication in The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness says:

“MRE [mini-trampoline rebounding exercise] appears feasible to ensure positive effects on overall health and can be proposed to populations that could greatly benefit from training programs, such as overweight women.”

Plus, it's a fun way to stay active, and who doesn't love a good bounce? So, why not give mini trampoline exercises a try and see how they can make you feel great?

Awesome way to lose fat. Period.

Exercising using mini trampoline workouts can be a great way to burn some serious calories! Read these inspirational rebounding before and after stories for some real-world insight into that. 

Keep in mind, though, that the number of calories you burn will depend on various factors, such as your weight, the intensity of your workout, and how long you're bouncing for. In any case, rebounding is a sweaty exercise and that definitely is a fat-killer. As we all know…

Mini Trampoline Rebounder Jumping

I don’t know about you but I find this slogan sooo funny (and motivating). I even got a T-shirt with it ?

Speaking of this, here is my shortlist of T-shirts with that and similar funny phrases.

How many calories can you burn rebounding?

That’s the question, right?

The American Council on Exercise conducted a study that found men burn 11 calories per minute on average when doing mini trampoline exercises, and women burn 8.3 calories per minute. In 30 minutes of moderate-intensity rebounding, this equals 330 calories for men and 249 calories for women. Or, as the research report says:

“This level of energy expenditure is approximately equivalent to running 6 miles per hour on flat ground, biking at 14 miles per hour, or playing football, basketball or ultimate Frisbee.”

The participants in the study also reported that it was a fun exercise. In other words, rebounding can be just as effective as running, for example, minus the boring. 😁 

So, whether you're looking to burn a few extra calories or looking for a not-so-tedious way to get in shape, getting a mini trampoline for exercising is a great option. Give it a try, and who knows, you might find yourself having a blast while burning calories!

Before we start, please make sure you read the instructions below for a quick briefing on how to do rebounder exercises. I don’t recommend starting any type of exercise or weight loss routine without consulting a health professional first.

Best Rebounder Trampolines For Adults

How to bounce on a rebounder the right way

To bounce on a mini trampoline correctly for fitness, you should follow these steps:

  1. Jump down into the trampoline, not up.

  2. Press down through the heels to engage your hamstrings and glutes.

  3. Keep your pelvis neutral and pull up through your low abs.

  4. Keep your torso in a slight hinge and scoop through the low abs to bring your knees up towards your chest.

  5. Avoid bouncing too far in the toes or pitching your torso too far forward.

Top mini trampoline exercises for weight loss to try

Without further ado, here are the best mini trampoline exercises for weight loss. 

Trampoline Walking

Trampoline walking is one of those low-impact exercises that can be done on a mini rebounder trampoline. It's a great mini trampoline workout for beginners, seniors, or anyone who wants low-intensity steady-state cardio. To do trampoline walking on a mini trampoline, follow these steps:

  1. Start by finding your balance on the trampoline.

  2. Begin with a light walk, bending your knees and walking in place on the trampoline.

  3. You can also add some arm movements to make it a full-body workout.

  4. Once you're warmed up, add a little bounce to your walking.

  5. Next, increase the intensity. March in place and lift your knees up to hip height. Remember to pull your navel in to help you lift your knee high.

  6. Continue to march in place and vary the intensity to your liking.

Keep in mind throughout the workout you can always take it up to your level and have different options. Always start at a level that is comfortable for you. Listen to your body, and make adjustments as needed. Watch the mini trampoline exercise video below for a demo of trampoline walking.

Rebounding Trampoline Exercises

The Core Twist

Want to give your core a little extra love? The core twist on a trampoline is a great way to do just that! 

This movement works your stomach muscles and helps shape your waist while also strengthening your deep core muscles for stability and posture. It can be done with feet on the trampoline or with feet off the trampoline for an added balance challenge.

Here is how to do a core twist on a trampoline:

  1. Sit on the trampoline with your feet on the floor.

  2. Lean back slightly and engage your stomach muscles.

  3. Reach with your arms diagonally to your body with a jab out to the side.

  4. Remember to keep breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth.

  5. To increase the challenge, you can raise your feet off the trampoline while still doing the same movement. This adds an extra balance element to the exercise. 

  6. Repeat the core twist for 30 seconds to a minute.

  7. Do the core twist a few times throughout the day to progressively increase your fitness.

  8. When you're finished, bring your feet back down to the ground and relax.

The core twist is a great workout to do on a mini trampoline. And here is a video that shows you how to do it.

Rebounder Exercise Videos

Jumping Jacks

Jumping on a mini trampoline provides a low-impact option that is better for your joints and bones. You can increase or decrease the speed of your trampoline jumps, which makes it a great option for all fitness levels. 

Ready to get your heart pumping and your body bouncing? Let's do some jumping jacks or star jumps on a trampoline!

Jumping jacks are a great short, intense cardio workout that you can include in your workout schedule. Here is how to do this mini trampoline exercise:

  1. Jump your legs out so that your feet land outside of your shoulders, and extend your arms out to the sides. 

  2. Hop your feet back together and cross your arms in front of your chest. Try to keep your head at the same height throughout the exercise by bouncing down instead of up. 

And here is a video that shows you the above steps. Happy jumping!

Butt kicker jumps

Butt kicker jumps are a great way to get your heart rate up and sweat out all those negative vibes. Doing butt kicks will warm up your quads and knees and help raise your heart rate, making it an effective cardio exercise.

To perform butt kicks on a rebounder:

  1. Hold on to the handlebars for support.

  2. Bend one knee and aim to get the heel towards your butt.

  3. Repeat this movement, switching sides as you go.

  4. Start slow and keep the impact low, then increase the pace and drive the heels all the way up to your glutes.

  5. To add an extra challenge, you can grab the handlebar and jump up with both feet.

Happy bouncing, and don't forget to give your butt a good high-five when you're done!

Squat jumps 

Get ready to work that booty with some serious bounce! To perform squat jumps on a trampoline, do the following:

  1. Start by warming up with some light cardio and stretching.

  2. Stand in the middle of the trampoline with your feet hip-width apart.

  3. Perform a squat by bending your knees and lowering your hips, keeping your back straight and your chest up.

  4. Explosively jump up from the squat position, using your legs to propel yourself upwards.

  5. Land softly back in a squat position, ensuring that you maintain balance and keep your center of gravity over the middle of the trampoline.

  6. Repeat the motion for several repetitions, focusing on controlling the movement with your legs and maintaining good form throughout.

Squat jumps on a trampoline are a great way to work your legs, glutes, and core muscles and can be a fun and challenging addition to any workout routine.

Mini Trampoline Exercises

Torpedo jumps

Are you ready to torpedo your way to toned muscles and a stronger core? Let's hop on a trampoline and dive into torpedo jumps! Squeeze those triceps and legs, brace that core, and get ready to jump like you're launching out of a submarine. 

To perform a torpedo jump on a mini trampoline, follow these steps:

  1. Balance yourself on the trampoline.

  2. Reach your arms down and squeeze your triceps.

  3. Point your feet and squeeze your legs.

  4. Brace your core and keep your shoulders up.

  5. Focus on jumping like a torpedo, and avoid jumping with your stomach.

  6. Keep your eyes on the horizon or spot on something to maintain balance.

  7. Repeat the movement 20 to 30 times.

  8. As an optional step, you can have someone hold your hands out in front gently while you jump across.

This is a powerful rebounding exercise that can help you burn lots of fat.

Jumping On Mini Trampoline

Ab crunches

Get ready to give your abs a workout that will have them begging for mercy! Ab crunches on a rebounder are a great way to tone your tummy and improve your core strength. Just follow these simple steps, take it slow, and don't forget to breathe.

To do ab crunches on a rebounder, follow these steps:

  1. Start by lying down on the rebounder, keeping your lower back supported.

  2. Reach up with your arms and keep your feet flat on the floor.

  3. Crunch up, focusing on engaging your abdominal muscles and breathing out on the way up.

  4. To progress the exercise, lift your feet off the floor while reaching up with your knees. Keep your lower back on the rebounder or floor.

  5. Repeat 20 crunches, and make sure not to hold your breath while performing the exercise.

  6. Remember to warm up before doing the crunches and cool down after.

Benefits Mini Trampoline

High knees 

This fun exercise routine is all about high knees on a trampoline. Not only does it give you a great cardio workout, but it also helps improve your coordination and balance. 

It sounds pretty self-explanatory, but there are some details to pay attention to. To do high knees on a rebounder:

  1. Stand on the rebounder with your feet hip-width apart.

  2. Begin by running in place, but instead of jumping, focus on driving your feet down onto the rebounder.

  3. Keep your chest high, and bring your arms back as if you're running.

  4. Make sure your core is tight and you're pulling your elbows back.

  5. The goal is to drive your heels down through the rebounder with each step.

  6. You can adjust the speed of your high knees to make it easier or harder.

  7. Focus on keeping your core tight and arms pulling back for proper form.

Mini Trampoline Workouts

Pelvic floor bounce/Pelvic floor jumps

Pelvic floor strengthening exercises help to improve the function and strength of the pelvic floor muscles, which can lead to a variety of benefits including improved bladder and bowel control, increased sexual satisfaction, and reduced risk of pelvic organ prolapse. 

Ready to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and have a ball while doing it? It's like a fun little game of "keep the ball/block from falling," but with the added benefit of toning your pelvic muscles. So let's get bouncing and give those buns the lift they deserve!

To do pelvic floor jumps on a mini trampoline, follow these steps:

  1. Use a practice ball or a block, and place it in between your thighs.

  2. Squeeze the ball or block tightly to engage your muscles.

  3. Focus on engaging your pelvic floor and pulling your shoulders back and down.

  4. Jump while squeezing the ball or block and keeping your core in place.

  5. Hold the handlebar if needed, and use both legs for more power.

  6. Repeat the exercise, focusing on squeezing the ball or block and maintaining proper form throughout the jump.

Full body trampoline workout for beginners

In this video, Colette Dong from Good Moves takes you through a quick 20-minute simple rebounding mini trampoline workout. The workout starts with a warm-up that focuses on upper body mobility, followed by a deep bend through the knees and hips. The focus then shifts to a squat, which serves as the base for the entire trampoline workout. 

Throughout the workout, Colette emphasizes the importance of keeping a low, grounded position and creating resistance through pressing the heels into the trampoline mat. The video concludes with a mini combo that puts together all of the basic moves learned.

Exercise Mini Trampoline

Full body trampoline workout for weight loss

This video showcases a 30-minute trampoline workout that helps you lose weight on your rebounder. The workout involves jumping to the beat of the music and maintaining good posture throughout the exercise. This is a fun exercise routine that makes time go by faster and also involves a variety of movements, such as bouncing, scissor kicks, and knee raises. 

The instructor emphasizes the importance of keeping the core tight and the shoulders back for maximum effectiveness. There is a warm-up and a cool-down to help you ease into the workout and prevent injuries.

Mini Trampoline For Exercise

What makes rebounding exercises great?

So, why choose a rebounder to exercise? Let’s look at the benefits of a mini trampoline weight loss routine first.

  1. Fun weight loss: Let’s be honest. Nobody really likes working to lose weight, and exercises are work. But rebounding is fun because it’s literally jumping up and down like a kid. This makes it more likely for you to stick with a fitness routine.
  2. Detoxification and cleansing: All types of exercise help improve your metabolism. But rebounding, much like yoga, can also improve the flow of your lymphatic system, helping to flush toxins from your body. How is that as an added bonus?
  3. Better mood: Like other fitness activities, jumping on a mini trampoline is a fun and effective way to release endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine – three of our four happy hormones that help you stay in a positive mood, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve your overall health.
  4. Beautiful skin: Mini trampoline exercises can improve the appearance of your skin by strengthening your immune system, flushing toxins, and toning your muscles. All of this helps you produce more collagen, and that, we all know, is the Holy Grail of skincare.
  5. Increased bone density: It is a low-impact exercise, but it can help improve your bone density. According to the orthopedic specialists at Iowa Specialty Hospital, “rebounding can help seniors increase their bone strength and reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis”. This means your bones could become stronger and less prone to fractures.  
  6. Weight loss without stressing your heart and lungs: Mini trampoline workouts require less oxygen intake even when you're working hard. This makes it easier to burn calories and lose weight without putting undue stress on your heart and lungs.
  7. Toned muscles: As a total-body workout, rebounding tones all your muscles, including your quads, calves, hamstrings, glutes, and core. 
  8. Improved balance and coordination: Now that’s an interesting one! Being on top of a mini trampoline means you have to coordinate your movements, and this can help improve your balance and coordination. It’s especially beneficial for older adults or those with a history of falls.
  9. Better sleep: Rebounding can improve your overall health and mood, detox your body, and make you feel less stressed, and all this will eventually improve your sleep. 

Increased cardiovascular health: When it comes to heart health, rebounding trampoline exercises provide a low-impact workout that can help improve your cardiovascular health, making your heart and lungs stronger and more efficient. As a result, it can help reduce your risk of heart disease and related health problems.

Top 3 Rebounder Exercise Trampolines for Adults

Elevate your fitness journey while burning calories in a dynamic and enjoyable way with a mini trampoline! This exhilarating form of exercise not only boosts your cardiovascular health but also enhances coordination, strengthens muscles, and improves balance. It's a fantastic low-impact workout suitable for all ages and fitness levels, offering a fun twist to traditional routines. Be sure to explore these top three mini trampolines in the table below, each carefully selected by me. Get ready to bounce your way to a healthier you!



My Rating





The innovative spring technology of this trampoline offers a superior and adaptable rebounding experience that enhances overall body strength.



This mini trampoline stands out as a fantastic option for those looking for a quiet, stable, and compact solution. It's excellent value for the price.



This is an excellent purchase if you're in search of a durable, quiet, and safe rebounder for regular exercise. It's reasonably priced for the features it provides.


What are mini trampoline exercises for weight loss?

Mini trampoline exercises for weight loss are a fun and effective way to burn calories and burn extra calories. The moves typically involve jumping or bouncing on a small, portable trampoline, which can provide a low-impact cardio workout and target multiple muscle groups.

How effective are mini trampoline exercises for weight loss?

Mini trampoline exercises are great for weight loss as they provide a full-body workout that can increase heart rate, boost metabolism, and, as a result, burn calories. Additionally, the bouncing motion of the trampoline can help tone muscles and improve balance and coordination.

What are the benefits of mini trampoline exercises for weight loss?

Some of the mini trampoline workout benefits for weight loss include improved cardiovascular health, increased metabolism, and calorie burn, as well as toned muscles and improved balance and coordination. Lymphatic drainage and reduced cellulite are also huge benefits of rebounding. Additionally, these exercises are low-impact, making them a great option for those with joint pain or injuries.

Can mini trampoline exercises be done at home?

Yes, mini trampoline exercises can be done at home. Most rebounders are small and portable but if you’re very short on space, you can look for a foldable mini trampoline. Overall, this type of exercise is a convenient and space-efficient way to get a workout in, and it can be done in the comfort of your own home.

What equipment is needed to jump on a rebounder for weight loss?

The main equipment needed for rebounding for weight loss is a small, portable trampoline. Some trampolines also come with additional attachments, such as resistance bands or hand grips, which can help increase the intensity of the workout.

Are there any precautions to consider when doing mini trampoline exercises for weight loss?

Yes, it is important to take certain precautions when doing mini trampoline exercises for weight loss. This includes wearing comfortable, supportive shoes, making sure the trampoline is properly set up and secure, and avoiding bouncing too high, which can put unnecessary strain on your joints. Like with any workout, it’s important to warm up before starting, cool down after, and listen to your body to avoid experiencing any cons of rebounding.

How often should mini trampoline exercises be done for weight loss?

The frequency of mini trampoline exercises for weight loss will depend on individual goals and fitness levels. However, most experts recommend starting with a few short sessions per week and gradually increasing the frequency and duration of the workout as you become more comfortable and confident. The key element is not to push your body beyond the limit but to be consistent.

What type of mini trampoline is best for weight loss?

Any type of mini trampoline can be effective for weight loss as long as it is used regularly and in combination with a healthy diet and lifestyle. The key is to find a mini trampoline that is of good quality and sturdy, with a weight capacity that can accommodate your body weight. 

Both spring and bungee trampolines can be effective for weight loss, as they provide a low-impact form of cardiovascular exercise that can help burn calories and improve overall fitness. The choice between spring or bungee trampolines largely comes down to personal preference, as each type of trampoline has its own unique characteristics and benefits. Some people may prefer the more traditional feel of a spring trampoline, while others may prefer the softer, more cushioned bounce of a bungee trampoline. Ultimately, the best mini trampoline for weight loss is one that you enjoy using and that fits your needs and preferences.

Is using a mini trampoline safe for weight loss?

Yes, using a mini trampoline is generally safe for weight loss as long as you use it properly and follow the recommended exercises. Just choose a high-quality trampoline, use it on a stable and flat surface, wear supportive and comfortable shoes, and start with low-impact exercises. 

It is always a good idea to consult with your doctor before starting any new exercise program.


Mini trampoline exercises are a fun and effective way to burn calories and help you achieve your weight loss goals. With a variety of low-impact exercises to choose from, mini trampolines provide a versatile workout option for individuals of all fitness levels. Not only do these exercises increase heart rate, build muscle, and improve balance, but they also have the added benefits of being enjoyable and stress-relieving. So, if you're looking for a unique and fun way to get in shape, give mini trampoline exercises a try!

And to get you even more excited, I will leave you with this crazy video of people jumping on trampolines in the snow. I love it!

Mini Trampoline Workout

I've always loved moving my body – ever since I was a child. I've practiced many sports through the years but trampolines have remained my favorite. I started this blog to share my experience and my love for trampolines.