Is Rebounding Good For Weight Loss?

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Can exercising actually be fun and good for your health and weight loss at the same time? The answer is yes, and the best way to do that is to try a rebounder workout. Today, we answer the question, "Is rebounding good for weight loss?"

People have become ob-ses-sed with it because there is plenty of evidence and examples of the many benefits of rebounding. It became so popular that you can find tons of posts of Hollywood celebrities like Goldie Hawn or Eva Longoria who share their workout routines and rebounding results. There are also a lot of ordinary people like you and me who share their before and after rebounding weight loss pics.

Trampoline Rebounding
Rebounder Calorie Burn

In fact, the effectiveness of rebounding got proven even by NASA research! Their astronauts added rebounding exercises to their training regimes.

Wow! So if you want to lose weight in a way that is going to be healthy, fun, and time and space-saving, a rebounder trampoline is what you need. Below, you will find some advice and more details on how it all actually works.

The Benefits Rebounding For Weight Loss

The rebounding effects on your body shape are not only related to the number of calories you’re burning but also to the fact that it’s proven to be more effective in the long run. 

So, you can easily reach your weight goals with a rebounder! 

One of the rebounding benefits is also that, if you’re afraid to exercise more intensely at first, you can just gently bounce with your feet, and this can still help in your balanced weight loss.

By the way, jumping on a mini rebounder trampoline also improves your physical health in many other aspects. It boosts your immune system and your mood. And it enhances your mental health. 

Now, let’s look closely at the weight loss benefits of rebounding.

It’s A Full-body Exercise

Usually, the exercises for a rebounder are high-intensity, which makes rebounding the perfect cardio. It’s can be just as effective as running, while it’s easier on your joints at the same time. 

Rebounding is the ultimate total-body workout because, apart from losing weight, it also improves your balance and strengthens your core. 

It engages every muscle in your body, so it’s the perfect workout for beginners, for people who don’t have much space at home, or for people who don’t have much free time. Isn’t that everyone?

You can use your rebounder at any time you wish; you can place it in front of your TV, in the garden, or in the middle of the living room. Then, all you have to do is start bouncing and have fun while enjoying the wide range of benefits rebounding offers for your body, mind, and health.

Improves Weight Control

Rebounding To Lose Weight

One of the rebounder benefits is that, while bouncing, you practice both cardio and muscle strengthening, so you burn calories faster than just going jogging, for example. 

By doing rebounder exercises, you are going to see results in losing weight on many parts of your body – on the arms, on the belly, on the thighs, etc. Of course, how fast you’re going to lose weight depends on many factors like how well you stick to your workout routine, your current weight, your overall health, the food you consume, and so on. 

When using a rebounder for weight loss, however, you are not only working out and burning calories, you are also helping your body detox, and you are boosting your metabolism. And all of this is key for weight control. 

Still, let's not forget that losing weight is a numbers game! It's about burning more calories than you consume. That happens best with both diet and exercise. 

It's As Effective As Running And Has Low Impact On Joints

As mentioned above, bouncing is cardio, and so is running. But rebounding can be the better option for many people because of its impact on the joints. 

The jumping mat absorbs much of your weight, so you don’t feel the whole pressure on your joints. If you have problems with your joints or if the soreness you usually start to feel on them when running is demotivating enough for you to make you stop exercising, maybe it’s a good idea to consider getting a rebounder. 

Another plus of rebounding, compared to running, is that it allows you to practice a wider range of exercises, so it can be lots of fun. 

The structure of a rebounder is built in a way that causes less stress on your body, so you have the chance to actually practice for a longer period of time and to get results faster.

Helps With Coordination

Rebounding exercise benefits are not limited to losing weight. Rebounding lets you practice a variety of exercises that require some amount of coordination. But don’t worry! You don’t have to be good at that to use a rebounder. 

In the beginning, you might feel a bit insecure while bouncing, but you will notice with time that you start being more coordinated and well-balanced. 

That’s, of course, because you’re getting better in the first place, but also because rebounding enhances the transmission of nerve impulses to and from the brain. 

In other words, it boosts your motor skills and improves the responsiveness of your muscles. Besides, adding various types of exercise keeps the fun in the workout.

Gets Your Circulation Going

Talking about circulation, rebounding has a lot of positive effects. It boosts blood flow and oxygen circulation throughout your body because it’s a cardio workout. 

And we all know that cardio causes sweating, which helps flush toxins away. This, in turn, helps you fight cellulite because it prevents the fat tissue formation that is known to cause it. 

Apart from the myriad of benefits for your physical appearance, good blood and oxygen circulation also:

  • fights inflammation
  • regulates blood pressure
  • improves your body posture
  • helps balance your emotions
  • and much more.

Bouncing helps lymphatic circulation as well. That leads to a stronger immune system because it also fights viruses and toxins in your body.

Enhances Power

If you see rebounding before and after photos, you will know what this means. 

You can feel the effect right after your first workout. Since it’s cardio, rebounding improves your blood circulation. This gives you a sudden boost of energy in your whole body. 

Besides, it helps increase the production of endorphins, which reduces anxiety. You do not just feel physically powered, but your mind also gets energized. 

And last but not least, once you start seeing the results of your workouts, you’ll be loaded with the power and motivation to get better and better. 

Exercise That Doesn't Feel Like Exercise

The after-effect of exercises is that they make you feel light, energized, and ready to conquer the world. I don’t know about you, but I just love that rush!

But starting to do any type of workout is tough. It’s hard to stay consistent and not give up quickly, as it often happens to us all. 

That’s why you have to find a workout that brings you joy and fun. This is one reason why giving a chance to rebounding is worth it. Rebounders are small and compact, so you can place yours in front of the TV and just bounce while watching your favorite show. 

You can bring it with you when traveling and workout outside. You can share the workout with your children, friends, or partner. 

But that’s not the only reason why it’s fun. You don’t have to just bounce until it gets boring. There is a ton of exercises you can practice and build up with time. Rebounding gives you plenty of opportunities to add variety to your day and to look forward to your next workout instead of feeling it’s just another chore. 

Burns Belly Fat

Rebounding Weight Loss

I saved the best for last!

We all know the struggle with fighting belly fat. Most people start working out with the goal of losing the stubborn additional weight in the abdominal area. Lots of times, they get demotivated quickly. They lose weight on all other parts of their bodies, but NOT the belly. 

Now, I’m sure we all hate that. But it’s not just about the looks. Losing extra fat also improves your metabolism and overall health because belly fat may be a serious cause for different diseases, such as diabetes. 

Rebounding helps you lose belly fat because it allows you to exercise your entire body, improves the muscle-to-fat ratio, and boosts your metabolism. 

Still, it's worth noting that there is no exercise that allows you to target belly fat specifically. Full-body exercises like rebounding help you do that in a more balanced way.

The Truth about Rebounding for Weight Loss

When it comes to losing weight, it may be better than lifting weights because it’s a full-body workout. And it’s better than running because it’s easier on your joints. Plus, it’s fun! 

Also, research by the International Journal of Sports Science shows that only rebounding is twice as effective as running or jogging. Because it boosts metabolism, it allows you to burn calories even after you finish your workout. 

So, does rebounding help you lose weight? Yes, but there it's not just about bouncing.

There is no magic trick with rebounding. The secret to success is to develop a plan (like with anything!) and stick to it. Besides regular workouts, you also need a healthy diet that you will follow for as long as possible. 

How Long Does It Take to Lose Weight Rebounding?

There is no single answer to how long it takes to train so you can lose weight. The amount of time you have to spend working out depends on a few factors. I know you hate that answer but allow me to explain.

  1. You’ve got to know what your weight goal is, make a plan to reach that goal, and follow it strictly. 
  2. You have to consider your current weight, your nutrition, how often you have time for rebounding, and, most importantly, what your current health condition is. The main idea is to burn more calories than you take in. Keep in mind that one pound of fat has approximately 3500 calories and that your body will eventually adapt to calorie  deficiency and will start to burn less over time.
  3. The number of calories you burn will depend on your current weight, size, and other personal factors. On average, if you weigh 180 pounds, you will burn about 240 calories in thirty minutes of rebounding.

Taking into account your goal is how you can more or less decide how often to rebound and for how long so you can reach your goal. So, in terms of “how long”, it may be a few weeks or a month, but the good news is that rebounding burns lots of calories.

How Often Should You Rebound?

That fully depends on you and the condition of your body. If you are a beginner, it’s better to try working out 2-3 times per week so you don’t stress your body right from the start. 

Of course, the more frequent your rebounding workouts are, the more weight you’re going to lose in a shorter period of time. 

Still, if you have any health problems and you’re limited in the amount of time you can be physically active, that’s a key thing to consider. Rebounding helps overcome many health issues, but it’s always better to first consult your doctor if you have any of these. 

Once you start rebounding and you enjoy the fun of the workout, you will think of it as something you can’t wait to do again.

How Many Minutes A Day Should You Rebound?

Benefits Of Rebounding 10 Minutes A Day

As I already mentioned above, the amount of time you spend on the rebounder is strictly individual. 

It’s proven that even a 10-minute rebounding workout a day can be enough to quickly start seeing results. 

Set a goal, make a plan, and then see what amount of free time you actually have. In any case, a priority should be your health condition, especially in the beginning. Once you start feeling secure in your movements, you can start increasing the duration of your workouts and the variety of exercises you practice.

Does Rebounding Help With Cellulite?

I don’t claim I’ve found a cure for cellulite. I wish I had! 

Sometimes it’s genetic, so getting a rebounder itself doesn’t guarantee that you will fully get rid of it. 

In any case, rebounding improves circulation, and that helps against fluid retention and fat tissue formation. It also helps in burning calories and cleansing toxins from the body through sweating – that’s another weapon against cellulite. 

So, the answer is yes, rebounding contributes effectively to the fight against cellulite. 

Calories Burned Rebounding

We all know that the most efficient way to burn calories and lose weight is through cardio and HIIT workouts. Using a rebounder allows you to practice this type of workout for a longer period of time and do more sets because it’s easy on your joints, and bouncing makes you feel your body lighter. This is why rebounding allows you to work out more and burn more calories. 

Also, it improves resting metabolic rate, which means you keep burning calories for hours after you’ve already finished your workout. Apart from just burning calories, another plus of rebounding for weight loss is that it helps in building muscles, so you can achieve your body goal even faster.

So, how many calories do you burn rebounding? 

The rule is that the more you weigh, the more you burn. For example, if you weigh 160 pounds, you will burn 7.6 calories per minute on average or 215 calories in 30 minutes of rebounding. But, if you weigh 135 pounds, you will burn around 187 calories in 30 minutes.

How To Incorporate Rebounding Into Your Weight Loss Routine

Does Rebounding Help You Lose Weight

If you're interested in incorporating rebounding into your weight loss routine, there are a few key things to keep in mind.

  • Frequency and duration of rebounding sessions: To see weight loss results, it's important to rebound regularly. Aim for at least 3-5 rebounding sessions per week, and try to work up to 30-45 minutes per session.

  • Take it slow if you’re a beginner: If you're new to rebounding, start slowly and gradually increase the intensity of your workouts. Focus on proper form and technique to avoid injury, and take breaks as needed. It's also a good idea to start with a simple mini trampoline before moving on to more advanced models.

  • Include other exercises: While rebounding is a great form of exercise, it's important to also incorporate other activities into your routine to achieve optimal weight loss results. This can include strength training, cardio, flexibility exercises, or the simple practice of walking every day.

Best Online Rebounding Workouts For Weight Loss

Trampoline Rebounding Workout Seniors Or Beginners

The benefits of rebounding are that it’s a relatively safe cardio and muscle-building workout. That makes it perfect for people who just started exercising or for people who have to pay extra attention to their ankles, knees, or spine, meaning it’s very beneficial for seniors as well. Here is an example video of a beginner cardio workout with a rebounder, suitable for seniors as well:

Rebounding Changed My Body

Low-Impact Rebounder Workout For Beginners

By rebounding, you can cross the barriers that stop you from getting the dream body. Rebounder exercises are safe and fun cardio workouts. They involve your whole body and give you a chance to get quick results even if you don’t have more than 30 minutes available a day for training. In this video, you’ve got a lunch-break-worthy workout with a variety of exercises suitable for beginners:

Calories Burned Rebounder

30-min Cardio Rebounder Routine

With a rebounder, you can easily create a workout routine for low-impact cardio, which will help you quickly burn more calories, improve your coordination and tone your entire body. In the below video, you’ll get a full but also quick cardio workout, including a warm-up and a cool-down, containing various blocks of exercises: 

Is Rebounding Good Exercise

Rebounder HIIT Workout

A fun and quick way to do a HIIT workout is by using a rebounder. It’s a better option than running because it has low impacts on your joints, so you can just focus on the workout itself without having to worry about your knees and ankles. It also provides an opportunity for a variety of exercises, so you can make sure you work on each part of your body. Here is a nice example of a rebounder HIIT workout:

Rebounder For Weight Loss

Body Combat Rebounding Workout 

You can do plenty of various types of exercises on a rebounder. This allows you to enjoy your workouts, make them more intense when you feel like it, and boosts the calorie burn when you feel ready for a new challenge. In the video below, you’ll see a combination of exercises from different sports, including Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Boxercise, and Boxing workout techniques: 

Is Rebounding Good For You

My top 3 rebounders for Weight Loss

Selecting the right rebounder is key for effective and safe weight loss, focusing on factors like size, assembly ease, and material quality. Rebounding offers a unique approach to weight loss that extends beyond calorie burning. It is proven to be effective over the long term, helping you maintain your weight loss goals more easily. For those seeking recommendations, I have thoroughly researched and listed the top three rebounders ideal for weight loss below.



Our Rating





It's a great buy if you’re looking for a sturdy, quiet, and safe rebounder to use for regular exercise. The price point is reasonable for what it offers.



This compact mini trampoline is perfect for those in search of a quiet, stable, and space-saving solution, providing excellent value for its cost.



This is an ideal purchase if you need a robust, quiet, and safe rebounder for consistent workouts, priced affordably for the quality it delivers.


What’s the best way to start rebounding?

After you’ve done research on how to choose a rebounder and you have already purchased the one that is suitable for you, it’s best to start by doing some basic exercise for a short period of time. If you’re a beginner, you can gradually make your workouts longer with time. 

Remember to always start with a warm-up before your actual workout, no matter what type of sport you are practicing. When that’s rebounding, a warm-up is usually doing a few basic bounces to get used to the equipment. Keep your feet apart and your hands relaxed. Always keep your knees slightly bent to prevent injury.

What is the best workout wear for rebounding?

Rebounding doesn’t require special equipment in terms of clothes. It’s good to wear comfortable clothes, but make sure they aren’t too loose. It’s best for women to wear a sports bra. What is important is to always put on comfortable sports shoes – a pair of mid-range running sneakers should do the job.

Is Rebounding Better Than Walking?

Each type of workout is either more or less appropriate to each one of us, depending on our overall condition and our health goals. Some of the pros of rebounding, compared to walking, are that it allows you to do a high-intensity workout with less effort and it’s easier on your joints. This means you can actually do more exercise without having to worry that your knees or ankles will hurt. 

Also, a rebounder takes less space than a treadmill, so it’s suitable for people living in small apartments. And we have to mention that bouncing and remembering what it was like to be a child, while watching your favorite TV show or listening to music, is always a better option!

Is rebounder jumping more effective than running?

The benefits of rebounding, compared to running, are even proven by NASA. In terms of time, the space agency’s research shows that just 20 minutes of rebounding equals an 30 minutes of running. That makes rebounder workouts more effective for people who don’t have a lot of free time. Another benefit of rebounding is that it puts less pressure on your joints, legs, and feet. 

The excess pressure is equally distributed through your legs, spine, and the rebounder surface while bouncing. This is the main reason why rebounding can be safer than running. 

What Is Plyometric? How Many Calories Are Burned In Plyometrics?

Plyometrics, or plyos for short, are high-intensity exercises that require you to perform quick, explosive movements at maximum effort. They are full-body movements and can count as cardio. 

Plyos help you build up strength, speed, and coordination and burn calories fast. A benefit of these exercises is that you work to build on a particular muscle group but burn excessive calories and fat from all your body. Here is why rebounding is perfect for people who want to practice plyos. Bouncing activates all muscle groups, it’s cardio, and it helps in burning fat in a fast and fun way. 


If you ask me, rebounding is most likely the perfect workout! It improves your muscle-to-fat ratio, and it’s suitable for almost everybody. You can simply start off by spending 10 minutes a day bouncing on the rebounder to get a detox, boost your immune system and increase your calorie burn for hours after you’ve finished your workout. 

A big benefit is also that rebounding is gentle on your body. It’s also absolutely great if you’re a beginner! You’ll see the results of your weight loss efforts quickly if you supplement your diet with a regular workout. And if you decide to do that, make sure your workout is giving you fast results, boosting your physical health, and is fun and relaxing. 


I've always loved moving my body – ever since I was a child. I've practiced many sports through the years but trampolines have remained my favorite. I started this blog to share my experience and my love for trampolines.